Typically, any error should be reported within 60 days after the transaction. Doing so can help an account holder watch out for any errors and discrepancies in the record that the bank possesses. Nevertheless, one can use a personal bank statement to use to compare with the official statement issued by a bank or financial institution. Unfortunately, an account holder cannot make his or her own bank statement and pass it off as an official financial document. An account holder may also receive electronic bank statements via electronic mail. A bank or a financial institution sends bank statements through the mail, usually in the form of written documents. A copy is typically free of charge, but if a person needs multiple copies or printouts, a bank may charge a small fee. In general, an account holder should submit an application, providing all the necessary details for the bank to be able to pull up the account. An individual may use a bank statement to apply for loans, to monitor all financial transactions on a regular basis - daily, weekly, or monthly, to trace transaction information to check if there are discrepancies in the account, to use as proof for legal claims, and as a guide when making financial decisions.Ī bank is obligated to provide a bank statement upon the request of an account holder. While it is a simple financial document that outlines financial transactions, it comes with a lot of benefits. It contains specific transactions and their respective amounts within a given period.

The primary purpose of a bank statement is to provide an account holder with his or her bank information. By providing a financial summary, it lets a person become aware of his or her financial status, allowing him or her to plan expenses accordingly and effectively. In general, it comes from a bank and financial institutions and provides an individual the information regarding the funds he or she has in his or her account. A Bank Statement is a financial document that contains a summary of financial transactions that occurred over a period of time.