Program of insertion and deletion in b tree
Program of insertion and deletion in b tree

You could use the time of creation as the key, or you could make each node represent a person in a database. For example, say you wanted to create a B-tree that contained records of game objects, each with a number of properties. Then a searching algorithm searches the tree for the data. Most B-trees use a single search key to order the data.

program of insertion and deletion in b tree

The interesting thing about trees is how fast the information can be searched.

program of insertion and deletion in b tree

The B-trees in Figure 11.7 are shown with their various orders. Moreover, we can talk of the order or number of levels of a tree, meaning how many layers it has. Each node has one or two children nodes (siblings) descending from it hence the term binary.

program of insertion and deletion in b tree

The most popular kind of tree is the binary tree, AKA B-tree or BST (Binary Search Tree), a tree data structure emanating from a single root that is composed of a collection of nodes. Trees were invented to help with the storage and searching of large amounts of data. Anyway, take a look at Figure 11.6 to see a number of different tree-like data structures. The next class of advanced data structures, trees, are processed by recursive algorithms, so that's why I took the preceding detour.

Program of insertion and deletion in b tree